Building a Sample of Distant Clusters of Galaxies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Candidate clusters of galaxies drawn from the sample identified from the moderately deep I-band data of the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS), have been used for follow-up optical/infrared imaging and spectroscopic observations. The observations were conducted to assess the nature of these candidates over a large range of redshifts. Currently, 163 EIS candidates have (V-I) colors, 15 have (I-K) and 65 cluster fields have been observed spectroscopically. From a preliminary analysis of these data, we find that > 65% of the candidates studied show strong evidence of being real physical associations, over the redshift range 0.2<z<1.1. The evidence in some cases comes directly from spectroscopic measurements, in others indirectly from the detection of overdensities of objects with either the same color or the same photometric redshift, or from a combination of color and spectroscopic information. Preliminary results also suggest that the redshift derived from the matched-filter algorithm is a reasonable measure of the clusters redshift, possibly overestimating it by Delta z ~0.1, at least for systems at z<0.7. Overdensities of red objects have been detected in over 100 candidates, 38 of which with estimated redshifts >0.6, and six candidates in the interval 0.45<z<0.81 have either been identified directly from measured redshifts or have been confirmed by the measurement of at least one redshift for galaxies located along a red-sequence typical of cluster early-type galaxies. Lastly, five candidates among those already observed in the infrared have (I-Ks) colors consistent with them being in the redshift interval 0.8<z<1.1. The sample of confirmed clusters, already the largest of its kind in the southern hemisphere, will be further enlarged by ongoing observations.

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