GRB 990510: linearly polarized radiation from a fireball

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Models for gamma-ray burst afterglows envisage an hyper-relativistic fireball that is decelerated in the ambient medium around the explosion site. This interaction produces a shock wave which amplifies the magnetic field and accelerates electrons to relativistic energies, setting the conditions for an efficient production of synchrotron photons. If produced in a region of large-scale ordered magnetic field, synchrotron radiation can be highly polarized. The optical transient associated with GRB 990510 was observed ~18.5 hr after the event and linear polarization in the R band was measured at a level of 1.7 +/- 0.2 %. This is the first detection of linear polarization in the optical afterglow of a gamma-ray burst. We exclude that this polarization is due to dust in the interstellar material, either in our Galaxy or in the host galaxy of the gamma-ray burst. These results provide important new evidence in favor of the synchrotron origin of the afterglow emission, and constrains the geometry of the fireball and/or magnetic field lines.

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