Neutrino-driven supernovae: Boltzmann neutrino transport and the explosion mechanism

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Core-collapse supernovae are, despite their spectacular visual display, neutrino events. Virtually all of the 10^53 ergs of gravitational binding energy released in the formation of the nascent neutron star is carried away in the form of neutrinos and antineutrinos of all three flavors, and these neutrinos are primarily responsible for powering the explosion. This mechanism depends sensitively on the neutrino transport between the neutrinospheres and the shock. In light of this, we have performed a comparison of multigroup Boltzmann neutrino transport (MGBT) and multigroup flux-limited diffusion (MGFLD) in post-core bounce environments. Differences in the mean inverse flux factors, luminosities, and RMS energies translate to heating rates that are up to 2 times larger for Boltzmann transport, with net cooling rates below the gain radius that are typically 0.8 times the MGFLD rates. These differences are greatest at earlier postbounce times for a given progenitor mass, and for a given postbounce time, greater for greater progenitor mass. The increased differences with increased progenitor mass suggest that the net heating enhancement from MGBT is potentially robust and self-regulated.

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