Helioseismology, solar models and neutrino fluxes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present our results concerning a systematical analysis of helioseismic implications on solar structure and neutrino production. We find Y$_{ph}=0.238-0.259$, $R_b/R_odot=0.708-0.714$ and $rho_b=(0.185-0.199)$ gr/cm$^3$. In the interval $0.2<R/R_odot<0.65$, the quantity $U=P/rho$ is determined with and accuracy of $pm 5$permille~or better. At the solar center still one has remarkable accuracy, $Delta U/U <4%$. We compare the predictions of recent solar models (standard and non-standard) with the helioseismic results. By constructing helioseismically constrained solar models, the central solar temperature is found to be $T=1.58 times 10^7$K with a conservatively estimated accuracy of 1.4%, so that the major unceratainty on neutrino fluxes is due to nuclear cross section and not to solar inputs.

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