The luminosity function of dwarf galaxies in four spiral-rich groups

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We measure luminosity functions in the cores of four spiral-rich, poor clusters of galaxies at median redshift $z = 0.016$. In the red magnitude range -14 < M_R < -10, our data imply that the luminosity functions phi(L) propto L^{alpha} are steep, -1.8 < alpha < -1.6, in the central 200-300 kpc of Abell 262 and of the NGC 507 Group. Abell 194 also shows signs of a steep luminosity function, alpha < -1.6, in this magnitude range. In Pegasus, the dwarf galaxy density is too low to let us constrain alpha. The NGC 507 Group and Abell 194 have been interpreted as clusters that are forming today, based on morphology and velocity structure. The high spiral galaxy fraction in Abell 262 relative to clusters like Virgo and Coma also suggests that it is young. We therefore suggest that steep luminosity functions in the range -14 < M_R < -10 may be a universal feature of young clusters and possibly of the field. If this is true, then the observed paucity of gas-rich galaxies in such environments suggests that we are finding galaxies similar to the low-surface-brightness, dark-matter-dominated dwarf spheroidal galaxies seen locally and in Virgo. This interpration is also consistent with the distribution of colors and sizes of the faint galaxies in Abell 262. If we are indeed detecting dwarf spheroidal galaxies and if they are as numerous relative to bright galaxies in the field as they are in the young clusters observed here, then the contribution of their halos to the cosmological mass density is Omega_{dSph halo} approx 0.01. This is much smaller than values of Omega derived from dynamical measurements.

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