Evolution of gravitational orbits in the expanding universe

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The gravitational action of the smooth energy-matter components filling in the universe can affect the orbit of a planetary system. Changes are related to the acceleration of the cosmological scale size R. In a universe with significant dark matter, a gravitational system expands or contracts according to the amount and equation of state of the dark energy. At present time, the Solar system, according to the LambdaCDM scenario emerging from observational cosmology, should be expanding if we consider only the effect of the cosmological background. Its fate is determined by the equation of state of the dark energy alone. The mean motion and periastron precession of a planet are directly sensitive to (d^2 R/d t^2)/R, whereas variations with time in the semi-major axis and eccentricity are related to its time variation. Actual bounds on the cosmological deceleration parameters q_0 from accurate astrometric data of perihelion precession and changes in the third Keplers law in the Solar system fall short of ten orders of magnitude with respect to estimates from observational cosmology. Future radio-ranging measurements of outer planets could improve actual bounds by five orders of magnitude.

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