Shocks and cold fronts in galaxy clusters

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Table of contents (abridged): COLD FRONTS Origin and evolution of merger cold fronts Cold fronts in cluster cool cores . . . Simulations of gas sloshing. Origin of density discontinuity. . . . Effect of sloshing on cluster mass estimates and cooling flows. Zoology of cold fronts COLD FRONTS AS EXPERIMENTAL TOOL Velocities of gas flows Thermal conduction and diffusion across cold fronts Stability of cold fronts . . . Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. Possible future measurements using cold fronts . . . Plasma depletion layer and magnetic field. Effective viscosity of ICM. SHOCK FRONTS AS EXPERIMENTAL TOOL Cluster merger shocks Mach number determination Front width Mach cone and reverse shock? Test of electron-ion equilibrium . . . Comparison with other astrophysical plasmas Shocks and cluster cosmic ray population . . . Shock acceleration. Compression of fossil electrons. . . . Yet another method to measure intracluster magnetic field.

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