AMR Simulations of the Cosmological Light Cone: SZE Surveys of the Synthetic Universe

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present preliminary results from simulated large sky coverage (~100 square degrees) Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) cluster surveys using the cosmological adaptive mesh refinement N-body/hydro code Enzo. We have generated simulated light cones to match the resolution and sensitivity of current and future SZE instruments. These simulations are the most advanced calculations of their kind. The simulated sky surveys allow a direct comparison of large N-body/hydro cosmological simulations to current and pending sky surveys. Our synthetic surveys provide an indispensable guide for observers in the interpretation of large area sky surveys, and will develop the tools necessary to discriminate between models for cluster baryonic physics, and to accurately determine cosmological parameters.

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