GRBs as Cosmological Probes - Cosmic Chemical Evolution

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are associated with the death of metal-poor massive stars. Even though they are highly transient events very hard to localize, they are so bright that they can be detected in the most difficult environments. GRB observations are unveiling a surprising view of the chemical state of the distant universe (redshifts z > 2). Contrary to what is expected for a high-z metal-poor star, the neutral interstellar medium (ISM) around GRBs is not metal poor (metallicities vary from ~1/10 solar at z = 6.3 to about solar at z = 2) and is enriched with dust (90-99% of iron is in solid form). If these metallicities are combined with those measured in the warm ISM of GRB host galaxies at z < 1, a redshift evolution is observed. Such an evolution predicts that the stellar masses of the hosts are in the range M* = 10^(8.6-9.8) Msun. This prediction makes use of the mass-metallicity relation (and its redshift evolution) observed in normal star-forming galaxies. Independent measurements coming from the optical-NIR photometry of GRB hosts indicate the same range of stellar masses, with a typical value similar to that of the Large Magellanic Cloud. This newly detected population of intermediate-mass galaxies is very hard to find at high redshift using conventional astronomy. However, it offers a compelling and relatively inexpensive opportunity to explore galaxy formation and cosmic chemical evolution beyond known borders, from the primordial universe to the present.

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