Strong lensing probability for testing TeVeS theory

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We calculate the strong lensing probability as a function of the image-separation $Deltatheta$ in TeVeS (tensor-vector-scalar) cosmology, which is a relativistic version of MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics). The lens, often an elliptical galaxy, is modeled by the Hernquist profile. We assume a flat cosmology with $Omega_b=1-Omega_Lambda=0.04$ and the simplest interpolating function $mu(x)={rm min}(1,x)$. For comparison, we recalculated the probabilities for lenses by Singular Isothermal Sphere (SIS) galaxy halos in LCDM with Schechter-fit velocity function. The amplification bias is calculated based on the magnification of the second bright image rather than the total of the two brighter images. Our calculations show that the Hernquist model predicts insufficient but acceptable probabilities in flat TeVeS cosmology compared with the results of the well defined combined sample of Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (CLASS) and Jodrell Bank/Very Large Array Astrometric Survey (JVAS); at the same time, it predicts higher probabilities than SIS model in LCDM at small image separations.

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