The Dependence of the Mass Assembly History of Cold Dark Matter Halos on Environment

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We show by means of a high-resolution N-body simulation how the mass assembly histories of galaxy-size cold dark matter (CDM) halos depend on environment. Halos in high density environments form earlier and a higher fraction of their mass is assembled in major mergers, compared to low density environments. The distribution of the present-day specific mass aggregation rate is strongly dependent on environment. While in low density environments only ~20% of the halos are not accreting mass at the present epoch, this fraction rises to ~80% at high densities. At z=1 the median of the specific aggregation rate is ~4 times larger than at z=0 and almost independent on environment. All the dependences on environment found here are critically enhanced by local processes associated to subhalos because the fraction of subhalos increases as the environment gets denser. The distribution of the halo specific mass aggregation rate as well as its dependence on environment resemble the relations for the specific star formation rate distribution of galaxies. An analogue of the morphology-density relation is also present at the level of CDM halos, being driven by the halo major merging history. Nevertheless, baryonic processes are necessary in order to explain further details and the evolution of the star formation rate-, color- and morphology-environment relations.

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