The Red Halo Phenomenon

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Optical and near-IR observations of the halos of disk galaxies and blue compact galaxies have revealed a very red spectral energy distribution, which cannot easily be reconciled with a normal, metal-poor stellar population like that in the stellar halo of the Milky Way. Here, spectral evolutionary models are used to explore the consequences of these observations. We demonstrate that a stellar population of low to intermediate metallicity, but with an extremely bottom-heavy initial mass function, can explain the red halos around both types of objects. Other previously suggested explanations, like nebular emission or very metal-rich stars, are shown to fail in this respect. This indicates that, if the reported halo colours are correct, halo populations dominated by low-mass stars may be a phenomenon common to galaxies of very different Hubble types. Potential tests of this hypothesis are discussed, along with its implications for the baryonic dark matter content of galaxies.

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