The QUEST RR Lyrae Survey II: The Halo Overdensities in the First Catalog

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The first catalog of the RR Lyrae stars (RRLS) in the Galactic halo by the QUEST Survey has been searched for significant overdensities that may be debris from disrupted dwarf galaxies or globular clusters. Away from the major overdensities, the distribution of these stars is adequately fit by a smooth halo model, in which the flattening of the halo decreases with increasing galactocentric distance (Preston et al 1991). This model was used to estimate the ``background of RRLS on which the halo overdensities are overlaid. A procedure was developed for recognizing groups of stars that constitute significant overdensities with respect to this background. To test this procedure, a Monte Carlo routine was used to make artificial RRLS surveys that follow the smooth halo model, but with Poisson distributed noise in the numbers of RRLS and, within limits, random variations in the positions and magnitudes of the artificial stars. The artificial surveys created by this routine were examined for significant groups in exactly the same way as the QUEST survey. These calculations provided estimates of the frequencies with which random fluctuations produce significant groups. In the QUEST survey, there are six significant overdensities that contain six or more stars and several smaller ones. The small ones and possibly one or two of the larger ones may be artifacts of statistical fluctuations, and they need to be confirmed by measurements of radial velocity and/or proper motion. The most prominent groups are the northern stream from the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy and a large group in Virgo. Two other groups lie in the direction of the Monoceros stream and at approximately the right distance for membership. Another group is related to the globular cluster Palomar 5.

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