Angular power spectrum of the FastICA CMB component from BEAST data

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the angular power spectrum of the CMB component extracted with FastICA from the Background Emission Anisotropy Scanning Telescope (BEAST) data. BEAST is a 2.2 meter off-axis telescope with a focal plane comprising 8 elements at Q (38-45 GHz) and Ka (26-36 GHz) bands. It operates from the UC White Mountain Research Station at an altitude of 3800 meters. The BEAST CMB angular power spectrum has been already calculated by ODwyer using only the Q band data. With two input channels FastICA returns two possible independent components. We found that one of these two has an unphysical spectral behaviour while the other is a reasonable CMB component. After a detailed calibration procedure based on Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations we extracted the angular power spectrum for the identified CMB component and found a very good agreement with the already published BEAST CMB angular power spectrum and with the WMAP data.

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