A Detailed Study of Molecular Clouds toward the TeV Gamma-Ray SNR G347.3-0.5

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present a detailed study of molecular gas toward the supernovae remnant G347.3-0.5 (J1713.7-3946) obtained with the 4m mm/sub-mm telescope NANTEN . This study has revealed that several intensity peaks and the overall distribution of the molecular gas with radial velocities from -12 km s-1 to -3 km s-1 show a remarkably good correlation with the X-ray features, strongly supporting the kinematic distance ~ 1 kpc derived by Fukui et al. (2003), as opposed to 6 kpc previously claimed. In addition, we show that absorption of X-rays is caused by local molecular gas at softer X-ray bands. Subsequent measurements of the CO(J=3-2) made with the ASTE 10 m and CSO 10.4 m telescopes toward the molecular intensity peaks have revealed higher excitation conditions, most likely higher temperatures above ~ 30 K as compared to that of the typical gas in low mass dark clouds. This is most likely caused by enhanced heating by the high energy events in the SNR, where possible mechanisms include heating by X-rays, gamma-rays, and/or cosmic ray protons, although we admit additional radiative heating by young protostars embedded may be working as well. In one of the CO peaks, we have confirmed the presence of broad molecular wings of ~ 20 km s-1 velocity extent in the CO(J=3-2) transition. The SNR evolution is well explained as the free expansion phase based on the distance of 1 kpc.

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