On the relation between circular velocity and central velocity dispersion in high and low surface brightness galaxies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In order to investigate the correlation between the circular velocity Vc and the central velocity dispersion of the spheroidal component sigma_c, we analyzed these quantities for a sample of 40 high surface brightness disc galaxies (hereafter HSB), 8 giant low surface brightness spiral galaxies (hereafter LSB), and 24 elliptical galaxies characterized by flat rotation curves. We find that the Vc-sigma_c relation is descri ed by a linear law out to velocity dispersions as low as sigma_c~50km/s, while in previous works a power law was adopted for galaxies with sigma_c>80k/ms. Elliptical galaxies with Vc based on dynamical models or directly derived from the HI rotation curves follow the same relation as the HSB galaxies in the Vc-sigma_c plane. On the contrary, the LSB galaxies follow a different relation, since most of them show either higher Vc (or lower sigma_c) with respect to the HSB galaxies. This argues against the relevance of baryon collapse in the radial density profile of the dark matter haloes of LSB galaxies. (abridged)

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