The Angular Momentum Content and Evolution of Class I and Flat-Spectrum Protostars

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report on the angular momentum content of heavily embedded protostars based on our analysis of the projected rotation velocities (v sin i s) of 38 Class I/flat spectrum young stellar objects presented by Doppmann et al (2005). After correcting for projection effects, we find that infrared-selected Class I/flat spectrum objects rotate significantly more quickly (median equatorial rotation velocity ~ 38 km/sec) than Classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs; median equatorial rotation velocity ~ 18 km/sec) in the Rho Ophiuchi and Taurus-Aurigae regions. The detected difference in rotation speeds between Class I/flat spectrum sources and CTTSs proves difficult to explain without some mechanism which transfers angular momentum out of the protostar between the two phases. Assuming Class I/flat spectrum sources possess physical characteristics (M_*,R_*,B_*) typical of pre-main sequence stars, fully disk locked Class I objects should have co-rotation radii within their protostellar disks that match well (within 30%) with the predicted magnetic coupling radii of Shu et al (1994). The factor of two difference in rotation rates between Class I/flat spectrum and CTTS sources, when interpreted in the context of disk locking models, also imply a factor of 5 or greater difference in mass accretion rates between the two phases.

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