The European Large Area ISO Survey VIII: 90-micron final analysis and source counts

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present a re--analysis of the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) 90mum observations carried out with ISOPHOT, an instrument on board the ESAs Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). With more than 12 sq. deg., the ELAIS survey is the largest area covered by ISO in a single program and is about one order of magnitude deeper than the IRAS 100mum survey. The data analysis is presented and was mainly performed with the Phot Interactive Analysis software but using the pairwise method of Stickel et al. (2003) for signal processing from ERD (Edited Raw Data) to SCP (Signal per Chopper Plateau). The ELAIS 90mum catalogue contains 229 reliable sources with fluxes larger than 70 mJy and is available at Number counts are presented and show an excess above the no-evolution model prediction. This confirms the strong evolution detected at shorter(15mum) and longer (170mum) wavelengths in other ISO surveys. The ELAIS counts are in agreement with previous works at 90mum and in particular with the deeper counts extracted from the Lockman hole observations. Comparison with recent evolutionary models show that the models of Franceschini et al. and Guiderdoni et al. which includes a heavily-extinguished population of galaxies give the best fit to the data. Deeper observations are nevertheless required to better discriminate between the model predictions in the far-infrared and are scheduled with the Spitzer Space Telescope which already started operating and will also be performed by ASTRO-F.

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