Eclipsing binaries in open clusters. III. V621 Per in chi Persei

الملخص بالإنكليزية

V621 Persei is a detached eclipsing binary in the open cluster chi Persei which is composed of an early B-type giant star and a main sequence secondary component. From high-resolution spectroscopic observations and radial velocities from the literature, we determine the orbital period to be 25.5 days and the primary velocity semiamplitude to be K = 64.5 +/- 0.4 km/s. No trace of the secondary star has been found in the spectrum. We solve the discovery light curves of this totally-eclipsing binary and find that the surface gravity of the secondary star is log(g_B) = 4.244 +/- 0.054 (cm/s). We compare the absolute masses and radii of the two stars in the mass--radius diagram, for different possible values of the primary surface gravity, to the predictions of stellar models. We find that log(g_A) is approximately 3.55, in agreement with values found from fitting Balmer lines with synthetic profiles. The expected masses of the two stars are 12 Msun and 6 Msun, and the expected radii are 10 Rsun and 3 Rsun. The primary component is near the blue loop stage in its evolution.

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