Subaru Deep Spectroscopy of a Star-forming Companion Galaxy of BR 1202-0725 at $z=4.7$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present deep spatially-resolved optical spectroscopy of the NW companion galaxy of the quasar BR 1202-0725 at $z=4.7$. Its rest-frame UV spectrum shows star-forming activity in the nuclear region. The Ly$alpha$ emission profile is symmetric with wavelength while its line width is unusually wide (FWHM $simeq 1100$ km s$^{-1}$) for such a high-$z$ star-forming galaxy. Spectrum taken along the Ly$alpha$ nebula elongation, which is almost along the minor axis of the companion host galaxy, reveals that off-nuclear Ly$alpha$ nebulae have either flat-topped or multi-peaked profiles along the extension. All these properties can be understood in terms of superwind activity in the companion galaxy. We also find a diffuse continuum component around the companion, which shows similar morphology to that of Ly$alpha$ nebula, and is most likely due to scattering of the quasar light at dusty halo around the companion. We argue that the superwind could expel dusty material out to the halo region, making a dusty halo for scattering.

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