Globular Cluster and Galaxy Formation: M31, the Milky Way and Implications for Globular Cluster Systems of Spiral Galaxies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The globular cluster (GC) systems of the Milky Way and of our neighboring spiral galaxy, M31, comprise 2 distinct entities, differing in 3 respects. 1. M31 has young GCs, ages from ~100 Myr to 5 Gyr old, as well as old globular clusters. No such young GCs are known in the Milky Way. 2. We confirm that the oldest M31 GCs have much higher nitrogen abundances than do Galactic GCs at equivalent metallicities. 3. Morrison et al. found M31 has a subcomponent of GCs that follow closely the disk rotation curve of M31. Such a GC system in our own Galaxy has yet to be found. These data are interpreted in terms of the hierarchical-clustering-merging (HCM) paradigm for galaxy formation. We infer that M31 has absorbed more of its dwarf systems than has the Milky Way. This inference has 3 implications: 1. All spiral galaxies likely differ in their GC properties, depending on how many companions each galaxy has, and when the parent galaxy absorbs them. The the Milky Way ties down one end of this spectrum, as almost all of its GCs were absorbed 10-12 Gyr ago. 2. It suggests that young GCs are preferentially formed in the dwarf companions of parent galaxies, and then absorbed by the parent galaxy during mergers. 3. Young GCs seen in tidally-interacting galaxies might come from dwarf companions of these galaxies, rather than be made a-new in the tidal interaction. There is no ready explanation for the marked difference in nitrogen abundance for old M31 GCs relative to the oldest Galactic GCs. The predictions made by Li & Burstein regarding the origin of nitrogen abundance in globular clusters are consistent with what is found for the old M31 GCs compared to that for the two 5 Gyr-old M31 GCs.

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