Nucleosynthesis in multi-dimensional SNIa explosions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the results of nucleosynthesis calculations based on multidimensional (2D and 3D) hydrodynamical simulations of the thermonuclear burning phase in SNIa. The detailed nucleosynthetic yields of our explosion models are calculated by post-processing the ejecta, using passively advected tracer particles. The nuclear reaction network employed in computing the explosive nucleosynthesis contains 383 nuclear species. We analyzed two different choices of ignition conditions (centrally ignited, in which the spherical initial flame geometry is perturbated with toroidal rings, and bubbles, in which multi-point ignition conditions are simulated). We show that unburned C and O varies typically from ~40% to ~50% of the total ejected material.The main differences between all our models and standard 1D computations are, besides the higher mass fraction of unburned C and O, the C/O ratio (in our case is typically a factor of 2.5 higher than in 1D computations), and somewhat lower abundances of certain intermediate mass nuclei such as S, Cl, Ar, K, and Ca, and of 56Ni. Because explosive C and O burning may produce the iron-group elements and their isotopes in rather different proportions one can get different 56Ni-fractions (and thus supernova luminosities) without changing the kinetic energy of the explosion. Finally, we show that we need the high resolution multi-point ignition (bubbles) model to burn most of the material in the center (demonstrating that high resolution coupled with a large number of ignition spots is crucial to get rid of unburned material in a pure deflagration SNIa model).

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