A Subaru Search for Ly-alpha Blobs in and around the Proto-cluster Region at Redshift z=3.1

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report the properties of the 35 robust candidates of Ly-alpha blobs (LABs), which are larger than 16 arcsec^2 in isophotal area and brighter than 0.7 x 10^-16 ergs s^-1 cm^-2, searched in and around the proto-cluster region at redshift z=3.1 discovered by Steidel et al. in the SSA22 field, based on wide-field (31x23) and deep narrow-band (NB497; 4977/77) and broad-band (B,V, and R) images taken with the prime-focus camera on the Subaru telescope. The two previously known giant LABs are the most luminous and the largest ones in our survey volume of 1.3 x 10^5 Mpc^3. We revealed the internal structures of the two giant LABs and discovered some bubble-like features, which suggest that intensive starburst and galactic superwind phenomena occurred in these objects in the past. The rest 33 LABs have isophotal area of about 16-78 arcsec^2 and flux of 0.7-7 x 10^-16 ergs s^-1 cm^-2. These 35 LABs show a continuous distribution of isophotal area and emission line flux. The distributions of average surface brightness and morphology are widespread from relatively compact high surface brightness objects to very diffuse low surface brightness ones. The physical origins of these LABs may be (i) photo-ionization by massive stars, or active galactic nuclei, or (ii) cooling radiation from gravitationally heated gas, or (iii) shock heating by starburst driven galactic superwind. One third of them are apparently not associated with ultra-violet continuum sources that are bright enough to produce Ly-alpha emission, assuming a Salpeter initial mass function. The 90% of these LABs are located inside the high surface density region of the 283 relatively compact and strong Ly-alpha emitters selected in our previous study. This suggests that these LABs may be the phenomena related to dense environment at high redshift.

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