Disc-planet, planet-planet, and star-planet interactions during planet formation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this article we present results from three on-going projects related to the formation of protoplanets in protostellar discs. We present the results of simulations that model the interaction between embedded protoplanets and disc models undergoing MHD turbulence. We review the similarities and differences that arise when the disc is turbulent as opposed to laminar (but viscous), and present the first results of simulations that examine the tidal interaction between low mass protoplanets and turbulent discs. We describe the results of simulations of Jovian mass protoplanets forming in circumbinary discs, and discuss the range of possible outcomes that arise in hydrodynamic simulations. Finally, we report on some preliminary simulations of three protoplanets of Jovian mass that form approximately coevally within a protostellar disc. We describe the conditions under which such a system can form a stable three planet resonance.

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