The CORALIE survey for southern extra-solar planets. XII. Orbital solutions for 16 extra-solar planets discovered with CORALIE

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This paper summarizes the information gathered for 16 still unpublished exoplanet candidates discovered with the CORALIE echelle spectrograph mounted on the Euler Swiss telescope at La Silla Observatory. Amongst these new candidates, 10 are typical extrasolar Jupiter-like planets on intermediate- or long-period (100<P<1350d) and fairly eccentric (0.2<e<0.5) orbits (HD19994, HD65216, HD92788, HD111232, HD114386, HD142415, HD147513, HD196050, HD216437, HD216770). Two of these stars are in binary systems. The next 3 candidates are shorter-period planets (HD6434, HD121504) with lower eccentricities among which a hot Jupiter (HD83443). More interesting cases are finally given by the multiple-planet systems HD82943 and HD169830. The former is a resonant P_2/P_1=2/1 system in which planet-planet interactions are influencing the system evolution. The latter is more hierarchically structured.

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