Giant Planets and Variable Stars in 47 Tucanae - a progress report of a comprehensive ground-based search

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We present a short progress report of a comprehensive search for variability in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. Using the MSSSO 40 telescope and a combined V+R filter, we are searching for variability across a 52x52 field centered on the cluster. The main aim is to search for transiting Hot Jupiter planets, the results of which are still being produced, but a natural side product is a deep catalogue of variable stars within the cluster field. The experiment samples the whole of the cluster (except the inner 5), thus probing the uncrowded outer regions where the stellar densities are lower, increasing the prospects for the survivability of planetary systems. Half of the currently identified variable stars are new discoveries. We have data for 36,000 stars with masses similar to that of the Sun for the main transit search.

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