First spectroscopic evidence for carbon stars outside the Local Group: properties of a massive star cluster in NGC 7252

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present near-IR spectroscopy of the massive intermediate age star cluster W3 in the merger remnant galaxy NGC 7252, obtained with the NTT telescope. This cluster has an age when the integrated near-IR properties of a stellar population are dominated by the cool and luminous AGB stars. We compare the data with instantaneous curst model predictions from new evolutionary synthesis models that include: (1) the computation of the evolution through the TP-AGB for low- and intermediate-massive stars, with the initial mass and metallicity dependent formation of carbon stars; (2) spectroscopic data from a new stellar library in which differences betwenn static giants, vriable O-rich TPAGB stars and carbon stars are accounted for. The comparison of the data to the models clearly shows that carbon stars are present: for the first time, carbon star spectral features are thus detected directly outside the Local Group (abriged)

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