Constraints in Cosmological Parameter Space from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect and Thermal Bremsstrahlung

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We discuss how the space of possible cosmological parameters is constrained by the angular diameter distance function, D_A(z), as measured using the SZ/X-ray method which combines Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect and X-ray brightness data for clusters of galaxies. New X-ray satellites, and ground-based interferometers dedicated to SZ observations, should soon lead to D_A(z) measurements limited by systematic rather than random error. We analyze the systematic and random error budgets to make a realistic estimate of the accuracy achievable in the determination of (Omega_m,Lambda,h), the density parameters of matter and cosmological constant, and the dimensionless Hubble constant, using D_A(z) derived from the SZ/X-ray method, and the position of the first ``Doppler peak in the cosmic microwave background fluctuations. We briefly study the effect of systematic errors. We find that Omega_m, Lambda, and w are affected, but h is not by systematic errors which grow with redshift. With as few as 70 clusters, each providing a measurement of D_A(z) with a 7% random and 5% systematic error, Omega_m can be constrained to +/-0.2, Lambda to +/-0.2, and h to +/-0.11 (all at 3 sigma). We also estimate constraints for the alternative three-parameter set (Omega_m,w,h), where w is the equation of state parameter. The measurement of D_A(z) provides constraints complementary to those from the number density of clusters in redshift space. A sample of 70 clusters (D_A measured with the same accuracy as before) combined with cluster evolution results (or a known matter density), can constrain w within +/-0.45 (at 3 sigma). Studies of X-ray and SZ properties of clusters of galaxies promise an independent and powerful test for cosmological parameters.

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