We have used 850$mu$m maps obtained as part of the Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey (CUDSS) to investigate the sub-mm properties of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). We used three samples of Lyman-break galaxies: two from the Canada-France Deep Fields (CFDF) survey covering CUDSS-14 and CUDSS-3, and one from Steidel and collaborators also covering CUDSS-14. We measure a mean flux from both CFDF LBG samples at a level of $sim2sigma$ of 0.414 $pm$ 0.263 mJy for CUDSS-03 and 0.382 $pm$ 0.206 mJy for CUDSS-14, but the Steidel et al. sample is consistent with zero flux. From this we place upper limits on the Lyman-break contribution to the $850{mu}m$ background of $sim$20%. We have also measured the cross-clustering between the LBGs and SCUBA sources. From this measurement we infer a large clustering amplitude of $r_o$ = 11.5 $pm$ 3.0 $pm$ 3.0 $h^{-1}$Mpc for the Steidel et al. sample (where the first error is statistical and the second systematic), $r_o$ = 4.5 $pm$ 7.0 $pm$ 5.0 $h^{-1}$Mpc for CFDF-14 and $r_o$ = 7.5 $pm$ 7.0 $pm$ 5.0 $h^{-1}$Mpc for CFDF-3. The Steidel et al sample, for which we have most only significant detection of clustering is also the largest of the three samples and has spectroscopically confirmed redshifts.
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