Chandra Deep Field South: The 1Msec Catalog

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this Paper we present the source catalog obtained from a 942 ks exposure of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), using ACIS-I on the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Catalog generation proceeded simultaneously using two different methods; a method of our own design using a modified version of the SExtractor algorithm, and a wavelet transform technique developed specifically for Chandra observations. The detection threshold has been set in order to have less than 10 spurious sources, as assessed by extensive simulations. We subdivided the catalog into four sections. The primary list consists of objects common to the two detection methods. Two secondary lists contain sources which were detected by: 1) the SExtractor algorithm alone and 2) the wavelet technique alone. The fourth list consists of possible diffuse or extended sources. The flux limits at the aimpoint for the soft (0.5--2 keV) and hard (2--10 keV) bands are 5.5E-17 erg/s/cm^2 and 4.5E-16 erg/s/cm^2 respectively. The total number of sources is 346; out of them, 307 were detected in the 0.5--2 keV band, and 251 in the 2--10 keV band. We also present optical identifications for the catalogued sources. Our primary optical data is R band imaging to a depth of R~26.5 (Vega). We found that the R-band/Chandra offsets are small, ~1 arcsec. Coordinate cross-correlation finds 85% of the Chandra sources covered in R to have counterparts within the 3-sigma error box (>~1.5 arcsec depending on off-axis angle and signal-to-noise). The unidentified fraction of sources, approximately ~10--15 %, is close to the limit expected from the observed X-ray flux to R-band ratio distribution for the identified sample.

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