SuperAGILE: the X-ray Monitor of the AGILE gamma-ray Mission

الملخص بالإنكليزية

SuperAGILE is the X-ray stage of the AGILE gamma-ray mission. It is devoted to monitor X-ray (10-40 keV) sources with a sensitivity better than 10 mCrabs in 50 ks and to detect X-ray transients in a field of view of 1.8 sr, well matched to that of the gamma-ray tracker, with few arc-minutes position resolution and better than 5 us timing resolution. SuperAGILE is designed to exploit one additional layer of four Si microstrip detectors placed on top of the AGILE tracker, and a system of four mutually orthogonal one-dimensional coded masks to encode the X-ray sky. The total geometric area is 1444 cm^2. Low noise electronics based on ASIC technology composes the front-end read out. We present here the instrumental and astrophysical performances of SuperAGILE as derived by analytical calculations, Monte Carlo simulations and experimental tests on a prototype of the silicon microstrip detector and front-end electronics.

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