Discovery of An Extremely Metal--Poor Galaxy: Optical Spectroscopy of UGCA 292

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The results of optical spectroscopy of two HII regions in UGCA 292 (CVn I dwA) are presented. UGCA 292 is a nearby (D=3.1 Mpc) gas-rich dwarf irregular galaxy (M_H/L_B ~ 6.9) which was first discovered in a blind HI survey. The derived oxygen abundance is the third lowest of known star-forming galaxies [12 + log(O/H) = 7.30 +/- 0.05], making UGCA 292 one of the nearest metal-poor galaxies known. The derived N/O ratio is similar to that found in other low metallicity galaxies [log(N/O) = -1.47 +/- 0.10], and is indicative of a primary origin for nitrogen. The derived oxygen abundance is consistent with closed-box chemical evolution for this low mass galaxy. The observed blue colors, high gas mass fraction, and low metallicity suggest that UGCA 292 is relatively unevolved. The possibility that future blind HI surveys may yield similar low metallicity galaxies is discussed.

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