Micro & strong lensing with the Square Kilometer Array: The mass--function of compact objects in high--redshift galaxies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the results from recent VLA 8.5-GHz and WSRT 1.4 and 4.9-GHz monitoring campaigns of the CLASS gravitational lens B1600+434 and show how the observed variations argue strongly in favor of microlensing by MACHOs in the halo of a dark-matter dominated edge-on disk galaxy at z=0.4. The population of flat-spectrum radio sources with micro-Jy flux-densities detected with the Square-Kilometer-Array is expected to have dimensions of micro-arcsec. They will therefore vary rapidly as a result of Galactic scintillation (diffractive and refractive). However, when positioned behind distant galaxies they will also show variations due to microlensing, even more strongly than in the case of B1600+434. Relativistic or superluminal motion in these background sources typically leads to temporal variations on time scales of days to weeks. Scintillation and microlensing can be distinguished, and separated, by their different characteristic time scales and the frequency dependence of their modulations. Monitoring studies with Square-Kilometer-Array at GHz frequencies will thus probe both microscopic and macroscopic properties of dark matter and its mass-function as a function of redshift, information very hard to obtain by any other method.

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