Harnessing Perceptual Adversarial Patches for Crowd Counting

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Crowd counting, which is significantly important for estimating the number of people in safety-critical scenes, has been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial examples in the physical world (e.g., adversarial patches). Though harmful, adversarial examples are also valuable for assessing and better understanding model robustness. However, existing adversarial example generation methods in crowd counting scenarios lack strong transferability among different black-box models. Motivated by the fact that transferability is positively correlated to the model-invariant characteristics, this paper proposes the Perceptual Adversarial Patch (PAP) generation framework to learn the shared perceptual features between models by exploiting both the model scale perception and position perception. Specifically, PAP exploits differentiable interpolation and density attention to help learn the invariance between models during training, leading to better transferability. In addition, we surprisingly found that our adversarial patches could also be utilized to benefit the performance of vanilla models for alleviating several challenges including cross datasets and complex backgrounds. Extensive experiments under both digital and physical world scenarios demonstrate the effectiveness of our PAP.

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