Probing the hadronic nature of the gamma-ray emission associated with Westerlund 2

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Star-forming regions have been proposed as potential Galactic cosmic-ray accelerators for decades. Cosmic ray acceleration can be probed through observations of gamma-rays produced in inelastic proton-proton collisions, at GeV and TeV energies. We analyze more than 11 years of Fermi-LAT data from the direction of Westerlund 2, one of the most massive and best-studied star-forming regions in our Galaxy. The spectral and morphological characteristics of the LAT source agree with the ones in the TeV regime (HESS J1023-575), allowing the description of the gamma-ray source from a few hundreds of MeV to a few tens of TeVs. We will present the results and discuss the implications of the identification with the stellar cluster and the radiation mechanism involved.

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