Temperature-dependent London penetration depth, $lambda(T)$, of a high quality optimally-doped $text{YBa}_{2}text{Cu}_{3}text{O}_{7-delta}$ single crystal was measured using tunnel-diode-resonator technique. Controlled artificial disorder was induced by low-temperature (20~K) irradiation by 2.5 MeV electrons at two large doses of $3.8times10^{19}$and $5.3times10^{19}$ electrons per $textrm{cm}^{2}$. The irradiation caused significant suppression of the superconductors critical temperature, $T_{c}$, from 94.6 K to 90.0 K, and to 78.7 K, respectively. The low-temperature behavior of $lambdaleft(Tright)$ evolves from a $T-$ linear in pristine state to a $T^{2}-$ behavior after irradiation, expected for a line-nodal $d-$wave superconductor. However, the original theory that explained such behavior assumed a unitary limit of the scattering potential, whereas usually in normal metals and semiconductors, Born scattering is sufficient to describe the experiment. To estimate the scattering potential strength, we calculated the superfluid density, $rho_{s}=lambda^{2}left(0right)/lambda^{2}left(Tright)$, varying the amount and strength of non-magnetic scattering using a self-consistent $t-$matrix theory. Comparing experimental and theoretical coefficients $A$ and $B$ of the low-temperature power series, $rho_{s}approx1-At-Bt^{2}$, we determine the amplitude of the scattering phase shift to be around 65$^{o}$. Knowing this value is important for further theoretical analysis of the microscopic mechanisms of superconductivity in $text{YBa}_{2}text{Cu}_{3}text{O}_{7-delta}$ high$-T_{c}$ superconductor.
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