FCA: Learning a 3D Full-coverage Vehicle Camouflage for Multi-view Physical Adversarial Attack

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Physical adversarial attacks in object detection have attracted increasing attention. However, most previous works focus on hiding the objects from the detector by generating an individual adversarial patch, which only covers the planar part of the vehicles surface and fails to attack the detector in physical scenarios for multi-view, long-distance and partially occluded objects. To bridge the gap between digital attacks and physical attacks, we exploit the full 3D vehicle surface to propose a robust Full-coverage Camouflage Attack (FCA) to fool detectors. Specifically, we first try rendering the non-planar camouflage texture over the full vehicle surface. To mimic the real-world environment conditions, we then introduce a transformation function to transfer the rendered camouflaged vehicle into a photo-realistic scenario. Finally, we design an efficient loss function to optimize the camouflage texture. Experiments show that the full-coverage camouflage attack can not only outperform state-of-the-art methods under various test cases but also generalize to different environments, vehicles, and object detectors.

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