Moduli of Fontaine--Laffaille representations and a mod-$p$ local-global compatibility result

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Let $F/F^+$ be a CM field and let $widetilde{v}$ be a finite unramified place of $F$ above the prime $p$. Let $overline{r}: mathrm{Gal}(overline{mathbb{Q}}/F)rightarrow mathrm{GL}_n(overline{mathbb{F}}_p)$ be a continuous representation which we assume to be modular for a unitary group over $F^+$ which is compact at all real places. We prove, under Taylor--Wiles hypotheses, that the smooth $mathrm{GL}_n(F_{widetilde{v}})$-action on the corresponding Hecke isotypical part of the mod-$p$ cohomology with infinite level above $widetilde{v}|_{F^+}$ determines $overline{r}|_{mathrm{Gal}(overline{mathbb{Q}}_p/F_{widetilde{v}})}$, when this latter restriction is Fontaine--Laffaille and has a suitably generic semisimplification.

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