Validation of edge turbulence codes against the TCV-X21 diverted L-mode reference case

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Full-size turbulence simulations of the divertor and scrape-off-layer of existing tokamaks have recently become feasible, allowing direct comparisons of turbulence simulations to experimental measurements. We present a validation of three flux-driven turbulence codes (GBS, GRILLIX and TOKAM3X) against an experimental dataset from diverted Ohmic L-mode discharges on the TCV tokamak. The dataset covers the divertor targets, volume, entrance and OMP via 5 diagnostic systems, giving a total of 45 comparison observables over two toroidal field directions. The simulations show good agreement at the OMP for most observables. At the targets and in the divertor volume, several observables show good agreement, but the overall match is lower than at the OMP. The simulations typically find the correct order-of-magnitude and the approximate shape for the divertor mean profiles. The experimental profiles of the divertor density, potential, current and velocity vary strongly with field direction, while a weaker effect is found in the simulations. The simulated divertor profiles are found to be sensitive to the choice of sheath boundary conditions and the use of increased collisionality. The observed divertor flows suggest that divertor neutral ionisation is non-negligible. This indicates that the match could be improved by using improved boundary conditions, more realistic parameters and including self-consistent neutral physics. Future validation and benchmarking against the TCV-X21 reference dataset will assess the impact of improvements to the codes and will guide their targeted development - a process which can be extended to other turbulence codes via the freely available TCV-X21 reference dataset. As such, this work assesses the current capabilities of edge/divertor turbulence simulations and provides a systematic path towards their improved interpretive and predictive capability.

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