A Novel Probe of Quantum Many-Body Correlations by Path-Independent Ramping Dynamics

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Quantum many-body systems exhibit diverse phases characterized by various types of correlations. One aspect of quantum correlations is whether a quantum phase is gapless or gapped, and there are already well-developed tools to probe these correlations. Another aspect is whether a quantum phase possesses a well-defined quasi-particle description or not, and the experimental method sensitive to this is still less developed. Here we present a protocol probing many-body correlations by time-dependently ramping a parameter in Hamiltonians to the same target value with variable velocities. The first-order correction beyond the adiabatic limit due to the finite ramping velocity is universal and path-independent, and reveals many-body correlations of the equilibrium phases at the target values. We term this method as the non-adiabatic linear response, and experimentally demonstrate it in studying the Bose-Hubbard model in ultracold-atom platforms. It is shown both theoretically and experimentally that this non-adiabatic linear response is significant in the quantum critical regime without well-defined quasi-particles, and is vanishingly small deeply in both superfluid and Mott insulators with well-defined quasi-particles.

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