Symmetries of temporal correlators and the nature of hot QCD

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The temperature of the chiral restoration phase transition at 130 MeV as well as the temperature of the center symmetry (deconfinement) phase transition in a pure glue theory at 300 MeV are two independent temperatures and their interplay determines a structure of different regimes of hot QCD. Given a chiral spin symmetry of the color charge and of the chromoelectric interaction we can conclude from observed symmetries of spatial and temporal correlators of N_F=2 QCD with domain wall Dirac operator at physical quark masses that above the chiral symmetry restoration crossover around T_pc but below rougly 3T_pc there should exist an intermediate regime (the stringy fluid) of hot QCD that is characterized by approximate chiral spin symmetry and where degrees of freedom are chirally symmetric quarks bound into color singlet objects by the chromoelectric field. Above this intermediate regime the color charge and the chromoelectric field are Debye screened and one observes a transition to QGP with magnetic confinement.

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