Can corrections to gravity at galactic distances be decisive to the problem of dark matter and dark energy?

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Are Dark Matter and Dark Energy the result of uncalculated addition derivatives? The need to introduce dark matter dark and energy becomes unnecessary if we consider that, the phenomenon of dark matter and dark energy is a result of not computing the additional derivatives of the equation of motion. For this purpose, we use higher derivatives in the form of non-local variables, known as the Ostrogradsky formalism. As a mathematician, Ostrogradsky considered the dependence of the Lagrange function on acceleration and its higher derivatives with respect to time. This is the case that fully correspond with the real frame of reference, and that can be both inertial and non-inertial frames. The problem of dark matter and dark energy presented starting from basic observations to explain the different results in theory and experiment. The study of galactic motion, especially the rotation curves, showed that a large amount of dark matter can be found mainly in galactic halos. The search for dark matter and dark energy has not confirmed with the experimental discovery of it, so we use Ostrogradsky formalities to explain the effects described above, so that the need to introduce dark matter and dark energy disappears.

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