V488 Per revisited: no strong mid-infrared emission features and no evidence for stellar/sub-stellar companions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present characterization of the planetary system architecture for V488 Per, the dustiest main sequence star known with a fractional infrared luminosity of ~16%. Far-infrared imaging photometry confirms the existence of an outer planetary system dust population with blackbody-fit temperature of ~130 K. Mid-infrared spectroscopy probing the previously-identified ~800 K inner planetary system dust population does not detect any obvious solid-state emission features, suggesting either large grain sizes that mute such emission and/or grain compositions dominated by species like amorphous carbon and metallic iron which do not produce such features. In the latter case, the presence of significant quantities of iron-rich material could be indicative of the active formation of a Mercury-like planet around V488 Per. In any event, the absence of solid-state emission features is very unusual among main sequence stars with copious amounts of warm orbiting dust particles; we know of no other such star whose mid-infrared spectrum lacks such features. Combined radial velocity monitoring and adaptive optics imaging find no evidence for stellar/sub-stellar companions within several hundred AU of V488 Per.

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