Boosted Self-Interacting Dark Matter and XENON1T Excess

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We propose a self-interacting boosted dark matter (DM) scenario as a possible origin of the recently reported excess of electron recoil events by the XENON1T experiment. The Standard Model has been extended with two vector-like fermion singlets charged under a dark $U(1)_D$ gauge symmetry to describe the dark sector. While the presence of light vector boson mediator leads to sufficient DM self-interactions to address the small scale issues of cold dark matter, the model with GeV scale DM can explain the XENON1T excess via scattering of boosted DM component with electrons at the detector. The requirement of large annihilation rate of heavier DM into the lighter one for sufficient boosted DM flux leads to suppressed thermal relic abundance. A hybrid setup of thermal and non-thermal contribution from late decay of a scalar can lead to correct relic abundance. All these requirements leave a very tiny parameter space for sub-GeV DM keeping the model very predictive for near future experiments.

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