Efficient Video Object Segmentation with Compressed Video

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We propose an efficient inference framework for semi-supervised video object segmentation by exploiting the temporal redundancy of the video. Our method performs inference on selected keyframes and makes predictions for other frames via propagation based on motion vectors and residuals from the compressed video bitstream. Specifically, we propose a new motion vector-based warping method for propagating segmentation masks from keyframes to other frames in a multi-reference manner. Additionally, we propose a residual-based refinement module that can correct and add detail to the block-wise propagated segmentation masks. Our approach is flexible and can be added on top of existing video object segmentation algorithms. With STM with top-k filtering as our base model, we achieved highly competitive results on DAVIS16 and YouTube-VOS with substantial speedups of up to 4.9X with little loss in accuracy.

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