Infrared propagators of Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theories in linear covariant gauges

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recent works have explored non-perturbative effects due to the existence of (infinitesimal) Gribov copies in Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theories in three Euclidean dimensions. In particular, the removal of such copies modify the gauge field propagator by a self-consistent dynamically generated mass parameter, the Gribov parameter. Due to the interplay with the topological mass introduced by the Chern-Simons term, the propagator features a non-trivial set of phases with poles of different nature, leading to the possible interpretation of a confinfing to deconfining phase transition. Inhere, we restore the BRST symmetry which is softly broken by the elimination of gauge copies and provide a BRST-invariant discussion of such a transition. In order to make clear all physical statements, we deal with linear covariant gauges which contain a gauge parameter and therefore allow for an explicit check of gauge parameter independence of physical results. We also discuss the generation of condensates due to the infrared relevance of infinitesimal Gribov copies.

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