Temperature dependent equilibration of spin orthogonal quantum Hall edge modes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Conductance of the edge modes as well as conductance across the co-propagating edge modes around the u = 4/3, 5/3 and 2 quantum Hall states are measured by individually exciting the modes. Temperature dependent equilibration rates of the outer unity conductance edge mode are presented for different filling fractions. We find that the equilibration rate of the outer unity conductance mode at u = 2 is higher and more temperature sensitive compared to the mode at fractional filling 5/3 and 4/3. At lowest temperature, equilibration length of the outer unity conductance mode tends to saturate with lowering filling fraction u by increasing magnetic field B. We speculate this saturating nature of equilibration length is arising from an interplay of Coulomb correlation and spin orthogonality.

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