Resonance from antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations for spin-triplet superconductivity in UTe$_2$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Superconductivity has its universal origin in the formation of bound (Cooper) pairs of electrons that can move through the lattice without resistance below the superconducting transition temperature Tc[1]. While electron Cooper pairs in most superconductors form anti-parallel spin-singlets with total spin S=0 [2,3], they can also form parallel spin-triplet Cooper pairs with S=1 and an odd parity wavefunction[4-6], analogous to the equal spin pairing state in the superfluid 3He[7]. Spin-triplet pairing is important because it can host topological states and Majorana fermions relevant for fault tolerant quantum computation[8-11]. However, spin-triplet pairing is rare and has not been unambiguously identified in any solid state systems. Since spin-triplet pairing is usually mediated by ferromagnetic (FM) spin fluctuations[4-6], uranium based heavy-fermion materials near a FM instability are considered ideal candidates for realizing spin-triplet superconductivity[12-14]. Indeed, UTe2, which has a Tc=1.6K [15,16], has been identified as a strong candidate for chiral spin-triplet topological superconductor near a FM instability[15-22], although the system also exhibits antiferromagnetic (AF) spin fluctuations[23,24]. Here we use inelastic neutron scattering (INS) to show that superconductivity in UTe2 is coupled with a sharp magnetic excitation at the Brillouin zone (BZ) boundary near AF order, analogous to the resonance seen in high-Tc copper oxide[25-27], iron-based[28,29], and heavy-fermion superconductors[30-32]. We find that the resonance in UTe2 occurs below Tc at an energy Er=7.9kBTc (kB is Boltzmanns constant) and at the expense of low-energy spin fluctuations. Since the resonance has only been found in spin-singlet superconductors near an AF instability[25-32], its discovery in UTe2 suggests that AF spin fluctuations can also induce spin-triplet pairing for superconductivity[33].

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