Irradiation-driven escape of primordial planetary atmospheres I. The ATES photoionization hydrodynamics code

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Intense X-ray and ultraviolet stellar irradiation can heat and inflate the atmospheres of closely orbiting exoplanets, driving mass outflows that may be significant enough to evaporate a sizable fraction of the planet atmosphere over the system lifetime. The recent surge in the number of known exoplanets, together with the imminent deployment of new ground and space-based facilities for exoplanet discovery and characterization, requires a prompt and efficient assessment of the most promising targets for intensive spectroscopic follow-ups. To this purpose, we developed ATES (ATmospheric EScape); a new hydrodynamics code that is specifically designed to compute the temperature, density, velocity and ionization fraction profiles of highly irradiated planetary atmospheres, along with the current, steady-state mass loss rate. ATES solves the one-dimensional Euler, mass and energy conservation equations in radial coordinates through a finite-volume scheme. The hydrodynamics module is paired with a photoionization equilibrium solver that includes cooling via bremsstrahlung, recombination and collisional excitation/ionization for the case of a primordial atmosphere entirely composed of atomic hydrogen and helium, whilst also accounting for advection of the different ion species. Compared against the results of 14 moderately-to-highly irradiated planets simulated with The PLUTO-CLOUDY Interface (TPCI), ATES yields remarkably good agreement at a significantly smaller fraction of the computational time. A convergence study shows that ATES recovers stable, steady-state hydrodynamic solutions for systems with $log(-phi_p) lesssim 12.9 + 0.17log F_{rm XUV}$. Incidentally, atmospheres of systems above this threshold are generally thought to be undergoing Jeans escape. The code, which also features a user-friendly graphic interface, is available publicly as an online repository.

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