Personal Dosimetry in Pulsed Photon Fields with the Dosepix Detector

الملخص بالإنكليزية

First investigations regarding dosimetric properties of the hybrid, pixelated, photon-counting Dosepix detector in a pulsed photon field (RQR8) for the personal dose equivalent $Hmathrm{_p(10)}$ are presented. The influence quantities such as pulse duration and dose rate were varied, and their responses were compared to the legal limits provided in PTB-A 23.2. The variation of pulse duration at a nearly constant dose rate of 3.7$,$Sv/h shows a flat response around 1.0 from 3.6$,$s down to 2$,$ms. A response close to 1.0 is achieved for dose rates from 0.07$,$mSv/h to 35$,$Sv/h for both pixel sizes. Above this dose rate, the large pixels (220$,mathrm{mu}$m edge length) are below the lower limit. The small pixels (55$,mathrm{mu}$m edge length) stay within limits up to 704$,$Sv/h. The count rate linearity is compared to previous results, confirming the saturating count rate for high dose rates.

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